I have been going to Ignite Physical Therapy for just under a year. I’ve been to physical therapy places before post surgery, so I am familiar with the process.I have been going to Ignite Physical Therapy for just under a year. I’ve been to physical therapy places before post surgery, so I am familiar with the process.Though, I have praise for the quality of care I received at places such as Kessler and Health South (when it were around…don’t know if they still are)…let me just say that the environment at Ignite is one of almost family. What I see is people walking into this place happy to be there.Dr. Hanna has put together a group of people that are as friendly and helpful as can be. From Ki, the acupuncturist..to the different massage therapists..currently Tangia, Celia, and Genesis., as well as his aides. As another reviewer mentioned…you’re treated like family more than just patients.Dr Hanna is always looking for the latest greatest technology to bring into his facility. The location is just over a year old and I have seen him change machines several times. Not just the machines for treatment, but the coffee maker as well. There have been at least 4 or 5 different coffee/espresso/cappuccino makers, since I have started going. He recently added laser acupuncture. Who knew that even existed ???At any moment you will find pastries waiting or maybe even pizza or some other food. He has a small fridge filled with different juices for patients..and their kids if they tag along. Plenty of cookies and snacks. Who knows. Just be careful because its very easy to gain weight there. LOL They recently bought a baby parrot and he is the friendliest thing. People go and take pictures with the little fella. He just hangs out sitting on top of his cage. The chillest little thing.This past Christmas one of the patients volunteered to be Santa and Dr. Hanna had the doors open and anyone could come in and have their kids take pictures with Santa and he had gifts for all the kids. He is working very hard to make Ignite the community Physical Therapy center.Every now and then he will run promotions on either massages, hot stone massages, acupuncture..you name it..just to let people try the services, so if anyone is interested…drive by..you’ll see big banners posted when he does one of these promos. The first time I went..it was an hour massage for $30. My back had been acting up and I figured..why not. You can’t beat that anywhere !!!The patients love going there. It’s great see people laughing and just getting on each other as we get treatment. No one can tell me that isn’t helping the healing process. There have been times I drop by on days when I am not scheduled..just to shoot the breeze and hang out before heading home. Also…get a free cup of coffee. Hehe.Having said that…I find that as a result of going to Ignite…I decided to get fit and started going to the neighborhood gym as well. Dr. Hanna suggested what exercises I should continue doing, to continue with my rehab..as well as lose weight and since November…I’ve lost 35 pounds. Another 20 to go.
I first walked into Ignite because of lower back pain…MRI, shows a bulging disc or compressed nerve..something like that, but as a result of combining PT and exercising…I no longer wake up in the morning..needing a few minutes to gingerly climb out of bed. I highly highly recommend Ignite. It’s more than just a place to go for P.T. If you are someone, who loves an environment ..where you don’t feel like just a patient….then this is the place to go to. Be careful though…we all play a mean game of Family Feud. We look forward to 5 p.m., when the show comes on. It’s pretty funny.
I guess you can tell…I rave about Ignite. Dr. Hanna runs a great operation..with a mind always towards bigger and better things and that only benefits us all. Just drop by if you are looking and you may be shocked by all the smiles and happy faces in the place. To be honest…it surprises even me, but I’m used to it now. 🙂